Acro Camp 2: Days 1 and 2

It’s Day 3 here at at Ray Community Airport, where we’re filming Acro Camp 2. Day 3 is a built-in break day so the crew can catch up with ingesting video, look at the video we’re shot to date, and rest. The campers are also resting and either hanging out at Ray or otherwise amusing themselves. Kevin Copeland is here with the Northwestern Michigan College Super Decathlon and he’s flying with crew members today.
We’ve captured a lot of material. We’re flying a Pitts S-2B (pictured above inverted with Don Weaver and Mary Macdonald), a Citabria, and a Super Decathlon.

David Klein and Barry Sutton flew a long sortie yesterday toward dusk to give David a better idea of how tailwheel operations work. They headed over to Romeo, where the winds were more favorable, and wrung out the aircraft. Afterward, they returned to Ray and mixed it up a little with Don Weaver in the Pitts. Don was out flying smoke for B-roll and David and Barry weaved back and forth through the smoke trail.

David Allen had a great flight in the Super Decathlon. He began with the Citabria in Day 1, and then flew two Pitts sorties early on Day 2. Dave wasn’t very happy with the way he flew and how his tummy was treating him in the Pitts, but he had a lot more success when he went out later in the day to fly some Super D.

Denise Isaacs is a trouper. She wrung herself out both days and we pretty much poured her out of the aircraft and into a bucket when the props stopper turning for the day. But she’s always standing there by the airplane with a parachute on when it’s her turn to fly. And she’s picking up maneuvers pretty quickly now.

Don Weaver filled up the smoke oil tank on the Pitts and took it out solo at twilight. He flew some spectacular acro for the cameras and we’ll be able to use some of that in the film. He also mixed it up with Dave and Barry in the Citabria and both aircraft landed to thunderous applause of cast, crew, and locals.
We’re resting up today and we’ll be ready to rock tomorrow morning for Day 3. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop in to Ray Community Airport 57D and see us!